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Bipolar X-ray tubes are of benefit if a small X-ray tube housing is needed or if high acceleration voltages are of need. The benefit of this tube design is mainly in due of the fact that the total acceleration voltage is devided on the cathode as well as of the anode in an equal or even unequal potential. For example a 200 kV X-ray tube is built up with a 100 kV cathode and a 100 kV anode part. Both vacuum vessels for each electrodes are totally separated from each other. Only a small gap for the electrons to path through is connecting these 2 tube parts. So the electrons are accelerated from the cathode to ground potential and then again to the positive loaded anode. Furthermore this tube design allows comparably thin HT cables, as only half of the acceleration voltage is needed. Furthermore the HT cable for the anode can be designed even smaller, as no filament wiring is needed. The tube design can be made for different acceleration voltages. We are able to provide a bipolar X-ray tube with oil-cooling or water-cooling or equipped with the connection for using conduction cooling or air-cooling. We are able to design X-ray emission windows in a fan beam up to 100° x 30° and a cone beam of 60° x 40°. Different target angles with different focal spots are available.

MC2T 180
Show list of all MC2T 180 X-ray tubes.

NameVoltageAnode angleFocal spotTargetEmission angle (geometrical)LoadCoolingX-ray protectionCableDatasheet3D-Model
MC2TGH 260B-0,3 W 24°180 kV12°0,3 mmW24°150 Wtbawithoutwithout